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Remove BIOS passwords - Toshiba Notebooks


I found three different ways for bypassing the password-check on a Toshiba-notebook. I had no chance to test them, so I can't promise they will work.


1. SHIFTING is the key

Hold down the left SHIFT-key upon bootup - this should skip the password-check. This should work on most notebooks and on some desktop-systems.

2. Generate a KeyDisk

For this one, you will need an empty 3½" disk (720kB or 1.44MB), another computer (to which you have full access) and a good Disk-Editor (e.g. Norton DiskEdit or Hex-Workshop).
This method should work on ALL Toshiba notebooks.


  1. Bootup the other computer, install and launch the Diskeditor.

  2. Insert the disk and open the second sector of the disk.

  3. Change the first five Bytes of the second sector of the disk (the first sector is the boot sector) to: 4B 45 59 00 00

  4. Write the changes to the disk. Now you have a KeyDisk!

  5. Remove the disk and insert it into the drive of the notebook computer.

  6. Start the notebook in Boot Mode (push the reset button).

  7. Press ENTER when asked for password.

  8. You will be asked to set password again. Press Y and ENTER.

  9. You should now see the BIOS configuration where you can set a new password.

3. Build a Loopback-Connector


This is a 25pin male connector which fits onto the printer port. You have to short-circuit the following pins:
1-5-10 / 2-11 / 3-17 / 4-12 / 6-16 / 7-13 / 8-14 / 9-15 / 18-25(optional)

After plugging the modified connector onto the notebook, the BIOS shouldn't ask for any password.

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