| |

This CD-Rom includes OVER
5,500 of the most popular palm software
programs & applications used by the
Palm Pilots,
Handera 330,
Sony CLIE, and
Handspring Visors
We have the largest collection of Free Palm Software in
Don't get tricked by other products that are full of Demos
and Shareware
We have the Newest collection
of Palm Software in EBAY, YAHOO, & THEBIDSTER!
Take my WORD on it! Unlike our competitors, we
Update our collection. Moreover, there is
no duplicate files in this
The CD is really loaded with 700 MB
of most useful and
popular Palm software
programs work on all the different Palm Pilot versions, Handera 330,
Handspring Visor Models, & the Sony CLIE (All of them)!
you own any of the Models in the list below,
this CD is a absolute necessity for you.
Our CD is compatible with any Palm based device!
Palm |
Handspring |
Sony Clie |
Palm Pilot, IIIc, IIIe, IIIx, IIIxe, V, Vx, Vxe,
VII, VIIx, M100, M105, M125, M130, M500, M505m, 515, i705, Zire,
Tungsten™ T |
Visor Prism, Visor Edge, Visor Pro,
Visor Platinum,Visor Neo, Treo 90, Treo
180, Treo 270, Treo 300 |
PEG-SL10, Clie PEG-SJ20,Sony, Clie S320, Clie PEG-T415,Clie PEG-S360,
Clie N610C/V, PEG-T615C/S, Clie N760C, Clie
710c, PEG-T665C Clie, Clie PEG-NR70, Clie
PEG-NR70V, Clie PEG-NX70V, Clie PEG-NX60V
This list also includes models from Handera
(i.e.Handera 330).
Quality of
CD ROM: NO! We don't compromise on Quality.
NO Generic
CDs. We always use
Brand CDs.
The CD is also equipped with
Auto Insert Notification Function
Please see below for the detail contents of
the the CD and
our Payment and Shipping & Handling Policy.
But the complete list of category is too long to put here.
Here are the some very interesting stuff that you can do
with these software.
These are the most downloaded Palm software.
However, this list is by no means complete!
HandWrite .8
Write notes on your Palm by hand.
Palm Desktop 4.0.1 PC
users: Download the Palm Desktop for Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000 machines.
BigClock 2.8 View time
and date in a large format on your Palm
AportisDoc Reader 2.2
Read and browse DOC files on your Palm organizer.
MobileDB Lite 3.01 Use
this program to read MobileDB files on your Palm
CSpotRun 0.9 Read
unlimited documents on your Palm organizer.
Stopwatch 1.1 Use your
Palm Device as a digital stopwatch.
Mirror 1.0 Get this
program and turn your Palm Device into a mirror
AportisDoc PDF Converter
Read PDF documents on your Palm.
iSilo free 1.5 Get a
free document and HTML reader for your Palm device
Scribbler 1.1 Creating
drawings on your Palm Device using the stylus.
Palm Flashlight 1.0 Use
your Palm device as a flashlight.
Steroid 1.0 Make your
Palm Device work faster.
Snapshot 1.1 Capture
images and view them on your Palm Device or desktop.
Sketcher 1.2 Scribble quick reminders,
draw maps, doodle, and more on your Palm.
QuickTip 1.1 Figure out the tip and
amount owed on your Palm Device.
Dr. Insano's Eyes 1.0 Hypnotize yourself
with this novelty program for the Palm.
Oneworld Time for the Palm 1.0 Add a
global standard clock to your Palm.
ToGo 1.0 Read text documents on your
Palm Device in ToGo format.
MB Handwriting Analysis 2.1 Write by
hand on your Palm with this handwriting analyzer.
PebblesPC 5.0 Control specific PC
functions remotely with your Palm device.
TimeLedger for Palm 2.0 Record time,
expense, and mileage entries on your Palm device.
InfoView 1.34 Organize your database in
this flexible
Swatch 1.3 Keep "Internet time" on your
Palm Device.
Virtual U 2.0 Simulate running a
university with this application.
Benchmark Compare your Palm Device's
speed with other models.
Eringson 0.2 Transfer ring tones from
your Ericsson mobile phone with your Palm Device.
Harmonic Square 1.0 Musicians: Create
new sounds on your Palm device with this unique
CruiseControl 1.01 Using CruiseControl
may allow you to speed up your Palm organizer by as much as 60 percent.
WPM 0.96 Test your Graffiti skill.
TipCalc 1.0 Calculate meal tips on your
Palm Device.
ChordDB 2.2 Show guitar chords and
common fingerings for each chord on your Palm
Metallica 1.02 Learn all about Metallica
on your Palm device.
Spec 2.1 View grayscale images on your
Palm in Image Viewer or Sweetheart format.
Lefty 1.0 Set or unset left-handed
preference options for your Palm Device.
TealInfo US Holidays 1.00 Keep a
database of U.S. holidays on your Palm.
Books of the Bible 1.6 Test your
knowledge of The Good Book on your Palm.
Car and Driver Road Test Digest 9/2000
Read a summary digest of Car and Driver Magazine's year 2000 road tests.
BMI Body Mass Index 2.0 Calculate your
body mass index statistics.
Sketchy 1.51 Animate using geometric
objects, optional pens and nearly 1000 framses all within an intuitive
Supreme Court Landmark Decisions Using
iSilo software and your PC Palm, explore the historic decisions of the
United States Supreme Court.
TealInfo Airports 1.01 Keep a listing of
international airports and their abbreviations on your Palm.
Soccer World Cup 2002 1.0 Follow 2002
FIFA World Cup events with your Palm device.
CharToBin+ 1.0 Convert characters to
their binary value on your Palm Device.
PassPhrase Create passwords using your
PalmLog 1.1 Breeze through your flights
with this flight log for your Palm device.
Due Yesterday 4.6 Keep track of school
assignments on your Palm.
German Irregular Verbs 1.0 Conjugate
German verbs with ease.
Guide 2.0 Keep track of immunization schedules and vaccines with
your Palm device, using this free download.
Affinity Software Resource Guide 1.09
Learn about hundreds of key applications for Palm PC users with this
interactive resource guide.
Depeche Mode 0.2 Learn all about Depeche
Mode on your Palm device.
Fishing Log 2.3 Track fishing statistics
on your Palm device.
Many Many More....This is only a FRACTION of
the Collection

FireViewer 5.1 PC Users: View maps,
pictures, diagrams, and even video on your Palm device.
MetrO 4.1 Find quick routes on subway
networks in cities around the world.
EuroCalc 1.7 Perform quick and easy euro
conversions on your Palm device.
Pocket Guide to Palm AddOns Volume 4
Have access to a Palm device software and resource guide.
Worldwide Travel Information 1.0 Get
useful travel information on your Palm.
P7 Fax 1.12 Send a wireless fax from
your Palm VII.
Option Codes 1.0 Access an options
calendar on your Palm device.}
Obesity Guidelines Tool 1.0 Treat
obesity according to clinical guidelines.
Standard Time for Palm 1.01 Store
time-related information in a shared user database for billing, project
management, and more, on your Palm.
Where2Go Public Toilet Locator 1.0
Locate public toilets in America's major cities with your Palm.
United Airlines Palm OS Timetable 2.0
Get a United Airlines global timetable with this free download.
Yodlee2Go 2.4 View travel reservations,
bank and billing statements, and stock portfolios on your Palm.
SoftBase Parser (Palm OS) 4.55 Evaluate
mathematical functions using different parameters.
NHLBI/NAEPP Asthma Guidelines 1.0 PC users:
Get the NAEPP's asthma management guidelines on your Palm.
Charts2Go Chart your futures and stock
values on your wireless palm.
TickerTrend Cash Flow 1.0 Compute
discounted cash flow, PE, PEG and Price/Sales ratios.
Pocket Verifier Lite 2.15 Accept credit
cards and checks from anywhere using your Palm device.
Continental Airlines Timetable (Palm OS) 2.0
Keep the Continental Airlines global timetable on your Palm.
FRT2go 1.0 Get free, real-time stock
quotes on your Palm device with this service.
Resistor Color Decoder 1.0 Select the
colors and get the values of resistors with your Palm device.
Instant Cash Flow 1.0 Turn your
receivables into instant cash through your wireless Palm.
Handy Tax 1.0 Add a tax rate reference
to your Palm.
Wells Fargo 2.0 Get Wells Fargo account
information on a Palm VII.
Pocket RTWare 1.0 Accept credit cards on
your Palm.
PDA Website Marketing Diary version 1.5
Keep track of all your website marketing activities on your Palm OS powered
Handheld PDA.
Pocket Authorize.Net 1.0 Get access to
your Authorize.Net Virtual Terminal through a Palm device.
Reference Guide for Sybase Adaptive Server
Enterprise 1.0 Add this Sybase reference guide to your PDA.
CeBIT 2002 Exhibitor Guide 1.0 Learn
more about CeBIT annual exhibitors with your Palm OS device.
Basic Rounds For Palm OS 1.0 Replace
your clipboard for inspection rounds on your machinery or facilities.
Clincal Gastroenterology 2.2 Get
information on Clinical Gastroenterology.
Many Many More....This is only a FRACTION of
the Collection

Noah Lite English Dictionary 0.65 pop Get a
free, comprehensive dictionary for your Palm.
Travel Dictionary English/S/F/I 1.0 pop
Translate from English to Italian, French, and Spanish using a Palm device.
Travel Dictionary German/E/S/F 1.0
Translate German into English, French, and Spanish on your Palm device.
Travel Dictionary Portuguese/E/G/Swed 1.0
Translate between Portuguese and English on a Palm device.
Travel Dictionary Swedish/E/G/S 1.0
Translate between English and Swedish with this translator for Palm devices.
Travel Dictionary French (PalmOS) 1.61
Get a French travel dictionary for your Palm device.
English to French Sailing Dictionary 1.0
Sail away speaking French with the help of your Palm Device.
Travel Dictionary German (PalmOS) 1.61
Add a German travel dictionary to your Palm device.
Universal Translator Palm Edition 1.0.0
Translate in 11 different languages.
AW French-Spanish Dictionary 1.0 Travel
light with this Palm translator.
AW English-Spanish Food Glossary 1.0 Get
bilingual in the kitchen.
AW Italian-Spanish Dictionary 1.1
Translate from Italian into Spanish on your Palm OS device.
AW German-Spanish Dictionary 1.0 Take
this German-Spanish dictionary wherever you go.
AW Spanish-French Dictionary 1.0 Get
yourself a Spanish-French dictionary for low memory devices.
AW Portuguese-Spanish Dictionary 1.1 Get
this Portuguese-Spanish dictionary for your Palm OS device.
AW Spanish-English Food Glossary 1.0
Feast your eyes and mind with this Spanish-English food glossary.
AW Spanish-German Dictionary 1.0 Try
this Spanish-German dictionary for your PDA.
AW Finnish-English Dictionary 1.0 Fill
your need for a Finnish-English dictionary.
AW Danish-English Dictionary 1.0
Translate the most commonly used words from Danish to English.
AW German-French Dictionary 1.0
Translate wherever you go with this small program for low memory devices.
AW Spanish-Portuguese Dictionary 1.0 Try
this low memory Spanish-Portuguese dictionary.
AW English-Quenya Dictionary 1.0
Translate from English to the Quenya language.
Many Many More....This is only a FRACTION of
the Collection

DopeWars (Palm) 2.2 See how you fare in a
Palm game about buying and selling illegal substances.
Tank Commander 1.5 Maneuver a tank
through enemy territory to capture the flag.
smallWare Solitaire Free 3.5.2 Play
three different solitaire games on your Palm.
ParkingLot 1.0 Have fun trying to get
your car out of a crowded parking lot while moving the cars and trucks in
the lot.
JT WOF 1.20 Play a Wheel of Fortune
clone on your Palm Device.
Laser Command 1.0 Destroy enemy
starships with your plasma lasers.
SameGame 1.0 Remove all the blocks,
Tetris style, on your Palm.
Car 1.00f Drive your car to the finish
line with this auto game.
PalmLife 1.1 Play the Game of Life on
your Palm Device.
Golf Scoring System 3.3 Keep track of
your golf scores on your Palm device.
Pyramid Solitaire 5.2 Pass the time away
with this solitaire game for your Palm.
Pocket Blackjack 1.03 Enjoy Vegas-style
blackjack action on your Palm.
Blackjack World Championship 1.1 Play
the world in this blackjack tournament with your Palm device.
Minesweeper 1.2a Play Minesweeper on
your Palm Device.
Space War 3.0 Protect your starship
while waging war in space against a sim or your friends
Pocket Video Poker 1.2 Skip a trip to
Vegas and play video poker right on your Palm Pilot.
Sea War 1.1 Sink all of your enemy's
battleships in this classic game.
Crosswords 3.0 Play crossword games
against your Palm Device or a human opponent.
Marbles 1.0 Play an addictive marble
game on your Palm Device.
Trap Shooting 1.1 Shoot the clay targets
and advance levels on your Palm Device.
Pilot Go 0.31 Play Go on your Palm
Fart Sensor 1.0 Unleash the fart police
with your Palm device.
Kyle's Quest: Odyssey I Become the
greatest gladiator to ever live and gain the favors of all the gods.
Artillery Duel 1CAA Play this arcade
style shoot-'em-up game on your Palm.
Ask President Bush 1.1 Ask for George W.
Bush's advice using your Palm.
Psychic Rabbit 2.1 Play a trick on your
friends and colleagues with your Palm.
Bkgammon 3.1 pop Play backgammon on your
Palm device with this color-capable app.
PilotEyes 2.0 Give your Palm the sense
of sight.
Hearts 1.2 Play hearts against computer
opponents on your PDA.
Pocket Slots 1.1 Play the slots on your
Palm device.
Suck-O-Meter 1.01 Get some insight as to
what sucks using your Palm Device.
Traffic 1.4 Try this sliding-piece
Mulg IIi Guide your marble through
treacherous mazes on your Palm device.
Static Chicken 1.0 Keep a virtual
chicken on your Palm device.
Rays 1.31 Play this action game on your
Petra-Luna 2.1 Play this brick-building
LoveDice 1.0 Get romantic suggestions by
rolling foreplay dice on your Palm.
Marbles 1.1 Play a puzzle game on your
BSBingo 19991112 Play a game of bingo on
your Palm.
Knight Shift 1.1 Play a game of knights
on your Palm Device.
It's a Hit 1.0.1 Keep detailed score of
baseball games on your Palm.
Sick Call Excuse Generator 1.01 Use your
PDA to help you come up with excuses to miss work.
SexyDoodle 1.0 Draw clothes onto the
silhouette of a woman with this game.
Web Sailor Sokoban 1.3 Play this
Japanese puzzle game on your Palm device.
8 Queens 1.2 Place eight queens on a
standard chessboard on your Palm Device.
PalmFive 1.0.1 Play this challenging
Asian puzzle game against an opponent.
Colours 2.0 Play this rendition of the
classic game Mastermind.
Many Many More....This is only a FRACTION of
the Collection

Palm Bar 3.0 Store recipes for more than
300 mixed drinks on your Palm.
World Atlas 1.1 Explore the world with
this free add-on for the HandMap viewing software.
Album To Go 2.0 PC users: Use this
interactive photo album on your Palm.
MyCheckbook 3.5 Keep track of your
checking account balance on your Palm.
BibleReader 3.01r Read and search the
Bible on your Palm.
Showtimes 0.4a pick Access movie
listings, times, and
Biorhythms 1.5 Check out your biorhythms
on your Palm Device.
Ask Homer 1.0 Get access to all of those
great Simpsonisms on your Palm.
MoneyTender Manage up to 16 different
accounts on your Palm organizer.
Eliza, Pilot Psychologist 1.0 Get
entertaining psychoanalysis from your very own Palm Device therapist.
CityZen 1.1b Travel with this world map
database program on your Palm.
SmartShopper 1.0 Ease your shopping
experience with this list creator.
Starship 1.0 Command your own starship
on your Palm Device. '
ChemTable 2.08 Add the periodic table to
your Palm device.
EbonyIvory 1.0 Tickle the ivories on
your Palm Device.
PalmQuotes 1.1 Search for the
appropriate quote.
Palm OS Software and Resource Guide 5.0
Learn more about your Palm Device and its applications.
Bible 1.0 Read the Bible on your Palm
Work-it-out 1.0 Log and track your gym
workouts with this Palm application.
Peanut Reader 3.2.13 Read the latest
peanutpress.com e-books with this reader for the Palm.
TuningFork 1.1 Tune your musical
instrument with your Palm Device.
Fortune 1.0 Get a daily fortune cookie
on your Palm Device.
Fretboard 0.9 Tune musical instruments
with the help of your Palm Device.
Summum: Sexual Ecstasy from Ancient Wisdom 1.0
Read this Palm e-book about ancient sexual practices.
Loan Calculator 1.1 Calculate monthly
loan payments on your Palm.
Area Codes for MobileDB 2.0 Find an area
code fast on your Palm Device.
Tide Tool 2.1 Track tides and currents
on your Palm device.
Guitar Tuner Lite 1.0 Musicians: Tune
your guitar using your Palm.
Buzzword 0.6 Baffle your clients with
this phrase generator for the Palm Device.
Area Codes Pocket Directory Database (PC) 2.1 PC
users: Locate on your Palm device any area code in North America.
Star Trek: The Next Generation Episode
Guide Have a list of the Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes on your
Palm Device.
Master Drink's 1.11 Access this database
of drink recipes on your Palm.
Introductions to the Shobogenzo 1.0 Read
the Buddhist text Shobogenzo on your Palm Device.
Budget Master 1.01 Monitor your spending
and specify spending limits on all your accounts.
Daily Bible Passage Volume 1b (NIV) 1.0
Receive ular verses from the Bible everyday on your Palm.
JunglePort 1.4.7 Get free city maps,
dining guides, and yellow pages for your PalmOS handheld.
Trekky 1.1 Expand your knowledge of Star
Trek: The Next Generation on your Palm Device.
TrainTrack 1.0 Track your workout
regimen on your Palm device.
XmasList 1.1 Keep track of your holiday
shopping list on your Palm device.
Acupressure & Do-in 2.0 Try these
exercises designed to strengthen and maintain all the major organs.
Measure It 1.0 Take measurements using
your Palm Device's dimensions.
CarbCheck 1.1 Download this
carbo-fat-protein database that will help you count carbohydrates.
Movie Database Pack for MobileDB 1.0
Access complete and helpful video databases on your Palm.
Daily Bible Passage Volume 1a (NIV) 1.0
Receive verses from the Bible on a daily basis.
World Geography Factbook 2000 0.85 PC users:
Get facts for the 201 countries of the world on your Palm.
Spanish New Testament Bible 1.022 Read
the Spanish New Testament Bible on your Palm Device.
MyCar 2.6 Compute the gas mileage for
your car on your Palm OS device.
Best 100 City Guide: London 09/00 PC
users: Keep a London travel guide on your Palm.
Ginger 1.0 Create a storyboard of your
film on your Palm.
Virtual Rosary 2.0.1 Go through the
rosary on your Palm device.
US Constitution Pocket Directory Ebook (PC) 2.1
Become familiar with all aspects of the American constitution.
Many Many More....This is only a FRACTION of
the Collection

All Queen Lyrics 1.07 Sing along to your
favorite Queen tunes.
All Grease Lyrics 1.07 Sing along to
your favorite tunes from Grease.
All Jimi Hendrix Lyrics 1.07 Sing along
to your favorite Jimi Hendrix tunes.
All REM lyrics 1.07 Sing along to your
favorite R.E.M. tunes.
All ZZ Top Lyrics 1.07 Sing along to
your favorite ZZ Top tunes
All Creedence Lyrics 1.07 Sing along to
your favorite Creedence tunes.
All Jesus Christ Superstar Lyrics 1.07
Sing along to your favorite tunes from Jesus Christ Superstar.
Many Many More....This is only a FRACTION of
the Collection

ClockHack 1.0 Add a clock every screen
of your Palm.
MenuHack 1.2 Add drop-down title bar
menu access to your Palm device.
Cindy Crawford Startup Logos 3.0 See
Cindy Crawford each time you turn on your Palm.
LockMe 1.1 Secure the information on
your Palm device.
CaseToggle Hack 2.3b Change the case of
letters on your Palm device with a stroke.
SilverScreen Theme: Gravity PC users:
Use this down-to-earth SilverScreen theme on your Palm.
DateTimeHack 1.0 Enhance the built-in
launcher on your Palm device.
X-Face AddressBook Hack 0.2 Add pictures
of your contacts to your AddressBook entries.
SilverScreen Theme: Merlin PC users: Use
this stylish SilverScreen theme on your Palm.
MiddleCaps Hack 1.4b Configure your Palm
Device to create uppercase letters.
Battery Hack 1.0 Monitor and tune the
battery and memory usage on your Palm handheld
X-Face Image Converter Create images for
use with the X-Face Hack on your Palm
SilverScreen Theme: High V PC users: Use
this stylish SilverScreen theme on your Palm.
SilverScreen Theme: The Shadow PC users:
Use this stylish SilverScreen theme on your Palm.
SilverScreen Theme: Leonardo PC users:
Use this stylish SilverScreen theme on your Palm
EVPlugBase 1.0 beta 1 Develop plug-ins
for the Palm OS on your Palm Device.
SilverScreen Theme: Bull Market PC users:
Get this stock ticker SilverScreen theme for your Palm
MessagEase? 1.6 Enter text quickly and
easily with this new keyboard design.
SilverScreen Theme: EyeCon PC users: Get
an eyeful with this SilverScreen theme for your Palm.
Many Many More....This is only a FRACTION of
the Collection

AvantGo Mobile Internet Service 4.2 pick PC users:
View Web pages with up-to-date information on your Palm device.
ICQ for the Palm OS 2.1 pick Seek out
friends and colleagues with your Palm device.
DirectLink 1.1 Open a PPP connection
through the serial port on your Palm Device.
Top Gun Postman 1.2b Send and retrieve
email with your Palm Device.
PalmVNC 1.40 Get remote access to your
desktop PC, Mac, or Unix workstation from your Palm.
EzWAP for Palm OS 2.0 Get Internet
access in the palm of your hand.
SimpleTerm 5.1 Try an experimental
terminal program on your Palm Device.
Mobipocket Reader (Palm) 3.0 PC users:
Read hundreds of books and e-news with this program.
PalmToolBox 1.0 Ping, trace, and look up
Web hosts from your wireless Palm device.
NetNews for the Palm Device Professional .01a
Read newsgroup articles on your Palm Device Professional.
IE2PDB Explorer Bar 1 Convert web pages
on your desktop into Palm files.
IMbot 1.2 Send text messages to any
phone with IMbot, a free tool for your Palm device.
Atomica Personal Edition (Palm OS)
Access a wealth of information by entering a single word on your wireless
Swift Inbox 2.0 Use this simple utility
for receiving e-mail on your Palm handheld.
Go2 Online 3.4 Get enhanced yellow pages
for your Palm device.
Gist TV Listings 1.0 Get Gist TV
listings from your wireless Palm.
AirGuitar Wireless Lyric and Tablature 1.0
Search a network for chord progressions, tablature and MP3s on your wireless
Locator 1.0 Get connected to the
Internet on your Palm, no matter what city you're in.
Personal Telecom Wireless by JFAX.com 2.0
Send wireless faxes with your Palm VII Organizer.
eGreeting Wireless 1.0 Send e-greetings
from your wireless Palm.
Intellisync for Intranets.com 1.08
Synchronize your Palm or Outlook device with critical information from your
Finance Wireless 1.0 Access financial
management information on your wireless Palm.
MaGlobe AutoDailer 3.3 Keep your Palm
device connected to the Internet when you are traveling.
Swift Outbox 1.0 Improve the way you
send e-mail.
Edmunds2Go 2.0 Get up-to-the-minute
automotive prices from Edmunds.com, right on your wireless Palm.
Reference/Resources 1.0 Get all kinds of
information on your Palm, wirelessly.
NWPortal 1.3 Use this free Web e-mail
service for your Palm VII.
Nautical Wireless 1.1 Access useful
nautical information from your wireless Palm.
Rovenet Food and Drink 1.0 Satisfy your
hunger with food information on your Palm.
Boolistic PQA Search the wireless Web
with a Venn diagram-based engine.
Many Many More....This is only a FRACTION of
the Collection

Palm Desktop 4.0 pick PC users: Get the
latest version of Palm Desktop.
GeekSounds 1.3 Use new tunes for Palm
ATool 0.90 Get a bunch of everyday tools
for your Palm Device.
utilBas Download a set of basic
utilities for your Palm Device.
DBCleaner 1.0 Remove leftover databases
from unistalled software on your Palm
Pilot Install 3.3 Put PRC and PDB files
on your Palm without having to HotSync.
ToGoW32 1.03 Convert DOC and text files
into ToGo format for your Palm Device.
IrKey 1.0 Electronically unlock doors
with your Palm device.
PadlockHack 1.5 Secure your Palm device
with ease.
Calcul-8! 1.1.0 Make your Palm a
scientific calculator.
XMaster 1.3 pick Manage the extensions
on your Palm with a user-friendly interface.
Xanadu 1.00.07 Translate words and text
into more than 60 languages.
IrKeyConf 1.0 Open electronic locks with
your Palm!
MathLib 1.1 Access a shared PalmOS math
library for your Palm programming needs.
Updater for HotSync 4.01 Fix possible
timeouts during lengthy operations with this update.
Q Draw 1.0b4 Create graphics on your
Palm Device
Address Book Enterprise Client 1.0 Try
this replacement for the standard address book software shipped with the
Palm device.
Converter 2.2 Convert between miles and
kilometers, pounds and kilograms, and more with ease.
Grafaid 1.0 Learn and/or practice
Graffiti on your Palm Device.
Palm Desktop Updater Fix a number of
known problems related to the process of HotSyncing your Palm.
TealInfo Sony Playstation Codes & Hints 1.0
Get hints for over 200 Sony Playstation games on your Palm device.
DirectInstall Install applications on
your Palm with a simple right-click.
Mortgage Calculator 1.0 Calculate
monthly mortgage payments, interest, and more on your Palm.
MakeIt 0.8 beta Create AvantGo channels
and DOC formats for your Palm Device.
Sync Fixer 2.1 Resolve Palm Hotsynch
problems that result from third-party synch utilities.
LowBatteryIndicator Hack 2.20 Bypass the
annoying low-battery window on your Palm device.
Location Manager 1.24 Install an
application to detect time zone settings for your Palm.
PDB Operations 1.50.3 Analyze databases
and files on your Palm.
PolliGlot: Free English-German Dictionary 1.05
Translate easily with this fast, simple, free English-German dictionary with
more than 22,000 entries.
PocketC Runtime Run applets without the
added compiler on your Palm device.
PDB Browser 1.0 View, modify, create,
and delete database files from your Palm device.
QuickClock - Logo Edition 1.0 Get a
graphical clock for your Palm.
EasyVeiw 1.0 Time the backlight on your
Palm Device.
BiDec 1.0 Convert binary to decimal, and
vice versa, with this program.
Speedy 1.5 Measure the real CPU speed of
your device and benchmark it with other Palm OS based devices.
SCUBA Tools DiveCalc & DiveLogger 1.3
Get two scuba diving-related programs for your Palm.
Crash 1.1 Start enjoying your Palm
crashes with this program.
Mobipocket Reader 4.1.1 Read e-books and
more on your Palm.
Cryptomathic Secure Memorizer 2.0 Store
PIN codes and passwords on your Palm device.
LCD Analyzer 1.0 Check the quality of
your Palm's LCD screen with this program.
pCrack 1.0 Retrieve forgotten passwords
on your Palm with this utility.
JogMeasure 1.01 Measure distances on
maps with this tool for your Palm device.
TealInfo Developer's Kit 2.22 Create
your own TealInfo Folios.
Ecamm Austin Powers Video Phone Sound
Get an "Austin Powers" video phone sound for your Palm.
PassSV 1.0 Store your User IDs and
passwords on your Palm device.
GBS Passwords 1.0 Store passwords or
other important information on your Palm.
Department of Defense Acronyms Dictionary 1.0
Download this free dictionary of Department of Defense acronyms.
Datebook Archiver 1.1 Extend your Palm
desktop archive functionality.
PalmCard 2.0 PC users: Send Palm records
via email on your desktop.
SumTimes 1.2 Add and subtract different
amounts of time with this calculator for Palm.
TealMeal (Mexico, Alt) 2.5 Store a
database of restaurants in Mexico on your Palm.
Angora and Leather for TealMovie 1.0
View this fashion video on a Palm device.
BDicty English to Vietnamese 1.0 Look up
Vietnamese words in their native font with this helpful database.
South Bass Island for TealMovie 1.0
Enable any model Palm handheld to become a player of high-quality video and
ABCD for TealMovie 1.0 Teach
preschoolers the alphabet with this tool for Palm devices.
PalmImageDB 1.0 Choose bmp's and jpeg's
in your own palm application with this suite of components.
USB Sync Fixer 1.0 Get your USB Hotsync
back operational.
TealInfo Anniversary Gifts 1.0 Keep
track of proper anniversary gifts for your spouse.
OnCradleOn 0.1 Leave your Visor Prism on
while it charges.
TealInfo Tap Prayer 1.0 Use this prayer
journal and prayer guide.
Applause for TealMovie 1.0 Tell someone
Thanks with this collection of moments of applause.
TealMeal (San Francisco, California) 3.0
Store a database of San Francisco, California, restaurants on your Palm.
KD Dictionary 2.1 Manage KD language
databases on your Palm device.
TealInfo Grand Prix 2000 1.0 Read
Formula 1 information on your Palm device.
Ecamm Babylon 5 Doorbell Get a "Babylon
5" doorbell sound for your Palm.
TealInfo vi
Reference Guide 1.0 Get a reference for vi's functions on your
Palm device.
PiMC 1.4 View files from Pilot MiniCalc.
TealInfo NHLBI/NAEPP Asthma Guidelines 1.0
Use these guidelines for diagnosis and management of asthma.
Eudora2Palm 1.05 Convert Eudora nickname
files for use on your Palm device.
TealMeal (Long Island, NY) 1.5 Store a
database of restaurants in Long Island, New York on your Palm.
Share-A-Note 1.02 Enter a short note on
your Palm and transmit it to a server.
QuikInstall 1.0.5 Make new software
installation on your Palm a faster, shorter routine.
eScl 1.1 Improve the response time of
your devices with this collection of simple data compression services.
Due Date Calculator 1.0 Calculate the
due date of your baby with this program.
Many Many More....This is only a FRACTION of
the Collection

Sick Aces for TealMovie 1.0 Learn street
magic with this video.
F-111 for TealMovie 1.0 Watch this
high-flying video on your Palm device.
Chimpanzee for TealMovie 1.0 Watch a
chimpanzee fall off a tree branch.
Stick Fight for TealMovie 1.0 View this
movie of two stick figures in a fight.
F-15 for TealMovie 1.0 Watch this video
about the F-15 on your Palm device.
Dueling Dragons for TealMovie 1.0 View
this movie of a roller coaster.
Amazon Monkey for TealMovie 1.0 View
this movie of an Amazon Monkey
FireFight for TealMovie 1.0 See firemen
at work in this movie for Palm devices.
Motorcycle Hall of Fame for TealMovie 1.0
Take a virtual tour of the Motorcycle Hall of Fame with this TealMovie for
your Palm device.
Let's Go for TealMovie 1.0 View a
fast-moving series of images on your Palm.
Martin Greases One On for TealMovie 1.0
Watch a pilot land a small airplane.
Space Shuttle RADAR for TealMovie 1.0
View a movie of the Straits of Gibraltar from space.
Petra & Wadi Finan for TealMovie 1.0
View a fly-thru movie of Petra and Wadi Finan on your Palm.
Amishoak for TealMovie 1.0 View this
movie about Amish oak furniture.
Gravity for TealMovie 1.0 Learn about
gravity with this movie for Palm devices.
Ravenwood for TealMovie 1.0 View this
movie of a Medieval village in Ohio.
Time for TealMovie 1.0 Use this
TealMovie program to teach children about time.
Hampton Inn for TealMovie 1.0 View this
movie of a Hampton Inn.
Schmidt's Sausage Haus for TealMovie 1.0
Watch this video of a well-known Columbus, Ohio, restaurant.
Holiday Inn Express for TealMovie 1.0
View this movie of a historic hotel in Cleveland, Ohio.
Many Many More....This is only a FRACTION of
the Collection
And we have
got so much more! The Whole list is Just TOO Long!
Trust me you
can do many many many more stuff .....that you never believed is possible with
your PDA!
Note: This
collection is fully compatible with Microsoft Windows.
Users of other platforms may find it difficult to open some files.
Cost of $19.99
includes shipping anywhere in the world
Price: $19.99